Artist Statement

My paintings are mostly figurative, though I hope not overly representational.  I always try to impart the spirit beyond my subject: the unique character of a person; the changing moods of a landscape; the harmonious juxtaposition of objects in a still life. For instance, in my painting of a friend, Halina, I tried to convey her quizzical look and rugged features that evoked for  me the faces in some of Rembrandt’s portraits. In my woodcut of a collateral relative, Adam von Trott, I tried to  show his courage and contempt after hearing his death sentence for defying Hitler.  In my  landscapes like “Waterfall” and “Afternoon Light on Driveway”  I wanted to convey the movement of sunlight over cascading water and sloping fields.  In still life paintings like Vase with Fruit and Cheese and “Vase with Arucana Eggs” I focused on the reflection of a vivid peach, and pastel-hued eggs,  on a textured pewter vase that I often use in still life paintings.

            I’ve  experimented in many media: oils, drawings, pastels, fresco, watercolor, sculpture, encaustics, and printmaking media like woodcuts, aquatints, and line engravings—but my favorite medium is oil painting. I usually sign my paintings on the back so as not to detract from the subject.

            I had a solo exhibition of my art work at the Saugerties Public Library in May and June, 2019 . I’ve also participated in group shows at  Saugerties’ Emerge Gallery, where two of my works were sold. The works in this website are for sale except for the starred art works.

            I’ve been discouraged at times when I’ve felt that my paintings are just ‘things’ that can’t change external reality. But at other times I’m inspired, in a way I often worship, by trying to suggest the tension between fleeting atmospheric effects in landscape and the need to advocate for preserving nature in its eternal essence.

            When I get absorbed in painting I feel pure joy, and time seems to drop away. I’ve been involved in art for more than fifty years, and I hope some of these paintings will bring pleasure to people.

Contact Elizabeth Shafer: